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OBAMA the rock star is dropping in approval ratings.

Shiny Toy Guns

Posted 9:24 am, 07/12/2009

I wish he would quit!


Posted 9:13 am, 07/12/2009

Batman, looks like Obama is going down in polls just like your hero Bush.

Guess we should have voted for Palin. There is a politician that the public can count on. Things are not going as well as Obama hoped. But at least he didn't just quit like your Ms Palin did. Now wouldn't it be just great to have her in the Oval Office?

I have never said that he was GOD or a rock Star. I said that I will give the man 4 years to try. I do not go ooh and ah over Obama. I am just an old soldier who is willing to give my president a chance. You are just a little kid that needs to grow up. I chose the lesser of two evils. I felt that McCains health would not let him handle four years of the Oval Office. I posted the fact that I did not believe that Ms Palin could handle the office of the US President. Well. I guess we have seen that, she quit after 2 years of being Alaskas Governor.
Obamas plans hasn't gone well, but at least he isn't a quiter. Maybe in 3 years the GOP will give us a conservative who is President material.


Posted 8:52 am, 07/12/2009

You guys really should calm down. I know it is easy to say and do things that are unbecoming on the Internet, but names and pictures like gorilla really run a discussion right off the track. No point in any further comment. You have made your position clear and clarified for me why I would not want to associate with folks who think in such ways. Carry On!

Shiny Toy Guns

Posted 8:33 am, 07/12/2009

Definition of conservative-


Definition of Liberal-



Posted 8:28 am, 07/12/2009

and as far as bestill and cynic and wowser(g-6) and isle surfer and a few others I don't care if your lovefest continues with obama...that is your right as an american....but at least you ought to know each day in america a person who voted for him changes his mind on that vote....each time another person loses their job under his watch....each time a small business goes under because of his higher taxes....each time a soldier's family suffer's drom the death of their son or daughter..each time we get laughed at by the leaders of iran and north korea because they know obama is a pushover this country gets a little weaker and good honest hardworking americans are getting fed up with broken promises....so you feel free to keep on believing in a failure I will keep on sounding the alarm to those who will listen....


Posted 8:21 am, 07/12/2009

it is about conservative capitolist positions verses liberal socialist positions....no matter what party you are from....it just happens that for now the democratic party is led by the socialist liberals....pelosi-reid-franks-dodd---and of course their infamous leader spendbama!!!!


Posted 7:53 am, 07/12/2009

while we are talking about propaganda, could someone explain the difference between LIBERAL PROPAGANDA, AND CONSERVATIVE PROPAGANDA? i'll tell you. it's nothing. natta, zip. one party is wrong, and the other party is right. i don't understand why we have 2 parties. maybe instead of elections, we could take the highest ranking official and have a fight or something, ufc like. the winner get's the country, and for the term, NOBODY is allowed to privately or publicly condemn, or argue or speak out against their policies. like i said if one party is all wrong, and one is all right, why do we have TWO parties.


Posted 12:59 am, 07/12/2009

Too funny, Cynic? Are you a Soto school kinda person or Pure Land? Definately Beat Zen from what I have read, but as we are one, I am just wondering.


Posted 12:57 am, 07/12/2009

By the way, Singer. You know I love ya but I just passed over your posts because of font issues. Nothing personal.


Posted 12:56 am, 07/12/2009

don't even try it, any dummy can see that you & cynic are the same person.
have your last word, but that's what I believe, good night


Posted 12:55 am, 07/12/2009

Oh never mind, I just noticed that that post was from justcause, no wonder.


Posted 12:54 am, 07/12/2009

As I have never posted under another name, I suppose I am clueless regarding that accusation. Who are you supposing is impersonating me?


Posted 12:52 am, 07/12/2009

hey, bestill, you forgot to change your name back, I knew there couldn't be 2 that were that much in love with bama


Posted 12:49 am, 07/12/2009

BM, You are really appearing like a one trick pony. Folks give you lots of data, but you just ignore it. I would not do that to you. Sorta makes you appear kinda silly. I know that your response will be that I am attacking you, but I really am not. I just wish you would acknowledge the data once in a great while.


Posted 12:23 am, 07/12/2009

haha cynic your liberal research is nothing more than liberal propaganda..

you are one sick puppy

Forever Cynic

Posted 7:12 pm, 07/11/2009

Your questions have already been answered, BM. Just no one is bored enough to waste time answering them again.

If you want a few facts, go to http://www.gowilkes.com/voi...


Posted 7:10 pm, 07/11/2009

still no real facts to support obama and his many unkept promises....of course you can't defend all the damage this guy has done!....in just 6 short months....more than the evil bush did in 8 years....and it only took him and his buddies 6 months....lol....


Posted 6:50 pm, 07/11/2009

Errors, inaccuracies, propaganda -- in textbooks
Pete Chagnon - OneNewsNow - 10/8/2008
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An author and research associate with the Institute for Jewish & Community Research has uncovered a nationwide problem of anti-Christian and anti-Semitic bias in public school textbooks.

The Institute for Jewish & Community Research recently released a new book authored by Dr. Gary Tobin and Dennis Ybarra. The book -- titled The Trouble with Textbooks: Distorting History and Religion -- is a culmination of a five-year study of 28 history, geography, and social studies textbooks used in classrooms in all 50 states. Ybarra explains what they found.

stack of bookshttp://www.onenewsnow.com/u..." width=130 align=right vspace=3 border=0>"Well, there was no single textbook or publisher that really stood out," he says, "but across virtually all of them in the various books, there was a lot of problematic material."

He offers several examples. "A lot of classical stereotypes about Judaism were found. The representation of the relationship between Christians and Jews, Christianity and Judaism, Jesus and so forth is badly handled in many cases. And in [discussions about] the Middle East conflict...large elements of the Palestinian or Muslim narrative [are] not balanced by the appropriate, other arguments in favor of Israel."

Ybarra says one of the textbooks -- The World (published by Scott Foresman & Co.) -- referred to Jesus as being a young Palestinian. "To teach children [that] and deemphasize his Jewishness does a disservice to Christians and Jews, as well as anyone who cares about historical accuracy," he states in a press release.

And Ybarra says when some of the textbooks discuss the founding of Israel, they paint the Jewish fighters as terrorists while virtually ignoring any terrorist activity by Arabs.

The author encourages parents to take a greater interest in what is being taught to their children in order to make sure their children are being taught the truth. Adds his co-author, Gary Tobin: "Elected officials at every level should investigate how these offensive passages are creeping into our textbooks. Presenting false information in the classroom undermines the very foundation of the American educational system."


Posted 6:38 pm, 07/11/2009

I'm glad I'm not a republican. Being a whiner and a baby about everything is a requirement these days. Come up with a better idea. WAIT, have an idea at all and I might vote for a republicant


Posted 6:36 pm, 07/11/2009

SMK- I think you are right on with the thought that a lot of people voted for Obama because if they didn't someone might think they were racist. The liberal media pushed it to the limit. Just like the liberal gay agenda.

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